Heroes of the Storm ARAM Build Guides by Nico
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ARAM is a special mode in Heroes of the Storm where two teams of 5 players are given 3 randomly drafted heroes to choose from to fight for victory on a single lane.

Some people take this mode as a fun side gig to lose an hour in, others like myself take it a bit more seriously and play it almost excuselvly. Be mindful of that when setting your expectations.

The map is chosen randomly from a pool of 4 - Braxis Outpost, Industrial District, Lost Cavern and Silver city. Though they might seem similar there are a few differences that can be of benefit if you know their drawbacks and use their strenght to your advantage

Braxis Outpost
  • Streight lane
  • Wide
  • 4 globe generators
  • Strong camps
  • 2 fog locations
Industrial District
  • S-shaped lane with conveiour belts
  • Quite short and easy to reach both ends quickly
  • 6 globe generators
  • Weak camps
  • No fog
Lost Cavern
  • Streight lane, narrow, 4 globe generators, no camps, 2 fog locations.
  • Narrow
  • 4 globe generators
  • No camps
  • 2 fog locations
Silver City
  • Streight lane
  • Wide
  • 3 globe generators
  • Weak camps
  • 3 fog locations

Why these facts matter? Sometimes you might want to do a globe quest, there are good and bad maps for that, or maybe you decide to pick a bribe talent (why?), or maybe you have a hero that needs space to chaise their target, or maybe you play dehaka and you have your dehaka,6 disabled because there's no fog. These are all examples of decisions you'll have to make on a map-to-map basis.

Each player is given a choise of 3 randomly drafted heroes. You have 30 seconds to create a strong setup with your team that idially includes heroes which compliment eachother.

  • Always pre-pick a hero so your teammates know your intentions, you can always switch if needed, but don't wait until the last second to switch to a healer, because the only other person who has healer has marked Valla. Then with a split second to the start you both switch to a healer and now your team has no damage dealers. Communicate.
  • Fill your role. If you have the only role on your team the hero portrait will light up in yellow. That means you're the only one who has that role so make sure you pick that hero or you'll leave your team crippled. The only exception to that rule is if you have the only healer and someone else on your team has a support hero (zarya or medivh), then your portrait wont light up so you need to be aware.
  • Pick a healer! The starting area does not heal heroes in ARAM so don't leave your team without a healer, these are the easiest games to lose.
  • Synergyse with your teammates. If your team picks heroes with skillshots, avoid picking heroes that push/pull your enemy, instead consider a hero with some kind of CC. If you have the only 2 healer options, consider whether your team will stay mostly stacked or separated, see which healer will work better in which situation and pick that. You get the drill.
  • Last but not least - don't troll. Don't pick F tier heroes just because you feel like dying 15 times with thebutcher and 0 meat. There are other game modes where you can do that, be respectful - don't waste your teammates' time.

The hero role draft is mirrored between teams and between each player from both teams. In other words, if one player on your team has 3 tank picks for example, then there will be a player on the enemy team that has the same role picks as well. This information gives you a great insight on what is the possible setup of your enemy so you can plan your pick accordingly.

Games are won by doing damage to the enemy team, minions and structures, don't be surprised if you can't do that when your team picks 3 tanks.

No healer matches

Sometimes there will be no healer options to pick from, in this rare occurances some heroes (especially some marked with as F tier in this guide) become much, much stronger than they normally are. Pick heroes with self-sustain abilities and talents, pick heroes that can heal or shield allies. These type of games are usually an endurance rounds.

Multuple healer matches

There will be times when you can see that there are 3, 4 or even 5 people on your team with healer picks. This means that there's a high chance that the enemy team picks quite a few if not all 5. In this case consider a hero that has a skill or a talent that can reduce enemy healing such as ana, xul, deckard, otherwise they will be very annoying to kill.

Mirrored matches

There's a 2% chanse that both teams will be given the same hero. The strategy of winning these kind of games is very different from anything covered in the guides bellow. In general, you have to know what are the strenghts and weaknesses of that hero are and exploit them as much as you can.

A lot of games are won on draft before any fighting has been done, don't underestimate it.

Much like any other HOTS match there are roles in ARAM and are as important as in Quick Match or Storm League though the playstyle might differ a bit, since there's no soaking or capturing objectives like in a normal game.

Also, this information is a general rule of thumb, not something that you should follow religiously. Some bruisers can be tanks, some tanks can be assassins, some assassins can be useless, but that knowledge comes with experience.


  • Stay infront and dictate the tempo and playstyle of your team
  • Find the right spot of being aggresive without dying a lot
  • Don't take random damage unnecessarily
  • Don't be passive hiding behind your team or playing as a ranged minion (looking at you stitches players)
  • Initiate fights
  • Intimidate the enemy team
  • Create opportunities for your damage dealers
  • Protect your backline
  • Don't be afraid to die to save a teammate


  • Prioritize healing targets that provide the most value to your team
  • Make sure your teammates have "adequate" health, which is not necessarily 100%
  • Don't use all of your resources to heal that one guy who constantly takes random damage without doing anything in return to the enemy team
  • You're not a damage dealer, don't try to be one
  • Don't overagress
  • Avoid dying


  • Find the right spot of being aggresive without dying a lot
  • Be that middle ground between your front and backline
  • Don't take random damage unnecessarily
  • Initiate fights
  • Intimidate the enemy team
  • Create opportunities for your damage dealers
  • Do damage if possible
  • Protect your backline

Range DPS:

  • Follow your frontline in fights
  • Prioritize the most valuable targets on the enemy team, if possible, without putting yourself in dangerous position
  • Do as much damage as possible
  • Avoid dying

Melee DPS:

  • Follow your frontline in fights
  • Prioritize the most valuable targets on the enemy team, if possible, without putting yourself in dangerous position
  • Do as much damage as possible
  • Avoid dying


  • Protect your teammates
  • Don't take random damage unnecessarily
  • Create opportunities for your damage dealers or tanks
  • Do damage if possible
  • Protect your backline

There are numerous little things that might seem unimportant at first, but when stacked on top of eachother they can make you a much better player.

  • Learn the basics of most heroes before attempting to play ARAM. You will not perform adequetly if you don't know what you're doing. This is what Try Mode, vs AI and QM is for, to practise specific heroes, ARAM is not the right place for that and your teammates will be sure to tell you that.
  • Do your quests early even if that means you have to play risky, and maybe die a few times. Don't wait until mid-to-late game to unlock your hero's full potential.
  • Follow your teammates in battles - even if a situation doesn't look promising, sometimes a single input from you can make all the difference.
  • Learn to sidestep - this type of skillshot avoidance is even more important here, because of how often you need to perform it.
  • If you know you're playing against a full party (5 stack) - don't tell your teammates. Usually that demoralizes them and they underperform.
  • On the subject of that, don't give up if you know you're facing a stronger oponent. More often than not they'll be confused if you're not scared of them and they'll start playing badly. Use this to your advantage.
  • The more nervous you are the worst you'll perform. Take a breather between games to calm down if needed.


Krisol'fak Aram — Alarak

Alarak is tier mostly because people have a hard time mastering all his skill shots. Otherwise he can easily be an tier hero. I suggest staying away from him until you can execute his combos consistantly.
Lightning Surge "Pikachu" Build
alarak,1,3 alarak,4,2 alarak,7,2 alarak,10,2 alarak,13,3 alarak,16,2 alarak,20,2
Overall the best build for ARAM, really shines against enemies who stack together. It goes without saying, but you should try to avoid dying at all costs and losing your alarak,5.
  • It's very important to do your level 1 quest as fast as possible to gain your 10% alarak,5 back. Focus on that in the early game.
  • At 13, mark the most aggrive enemy that's always frontlining with alarak,13,3, from then on you want to use alarak,0 on them as often as possible because each hit gives you 3% alarak,5. If your team is losing and you, and your teammates die often, consider switching alarak,13,3 for alarak,13,2.
Discord Strike Build
alarak,1,1 alarak,4,1 alarak,7,2 alarak,10,2 alarak,13,1 alarak,16,1 alarak,20,2
Best against enemies who have little CC and not many range assassins, since you'll be doing auto-attacks for damage. It goes without saying, but you should try to avoid dying at all costs and losing your alarak,5.
  • At 13, mark the most aggrive enemy that's always frontlining with alarak,13,3, from then on you want to use alarak,0 on them as often as possible because each hit gives you 3% alarak,5. If your team is losing and you, and your teammates die often, consider switching alarak,13,3 for alarak,13,2.
Alexstrasza is one of the best healers in ARAM because of her versatility. She can heal in multiple ways (even support deathwing with her globes). She can also be a crazy good damage dealer with the alexstrasza,2 build, but that's best left for games where your team lacks damage, otherwise your healing potential will suffer.
Abundance Build
alexstrasza,1,2 alexstrasza,4,2 alexstrasza,7,2 alexstrasza,10,1 alexstrasza,13,3 alexstrasza,16,2 alexstrasza,20,1
Best overall build in ARAM. Crazy good synergy for some allies like stitches or liming and especially mephisto (given they pick globe talents). Consider a different build if the enemy team has multiple heroes with long-range AOE abilities such as ana, kaelthas, azmodan, stukov, etc. that can grief your alexstrasza,1 casts.
  • Focus on finishing your globe quest early even if that means leaving your teammates without a healer for a few seconds while you run to the globe generator.
Gift of Life Build
alexstrasza,1,1 alexstrasza,4,3 alexstrasza,7,1 alexstrasza,10,1 alexstrasza,13,3 alexstrasza,16,1 alexstrasza,20,1
alexstrasza,0 requires a curtain gameplay style that does not suite everybody. You need to make sure you take as little damage as possible (stay above 75% health) in order to heal your team consistantly. Your full potential unfolds after level 7 when you take alexstrasza,7,1.
Flame Buffet Build
alexstrasza,1,3 alexstrasza,4,2 alexstrasza,7,3 alexstrasza,10,2 alexstrasza,13,1 alexstrasza,16,3 alexstrasza,20,3
alexstrasza,2 build is best only if your team lacks damage (since you'll focus on doing damage and will have less time to keep up with your team's health). Starts doing nasty stuff at level 20 when you take alexstrasza,20,3.
Sleeping Dart Build
ana,1,2 ana,4,2 ana,7,2 ana,10,1 ana,13,1 ana,16,3 ana,20,1
Granade Build
ana,1,1 ana,4,1 ana,7,1 ana,10,1 ana,13,1 ana,16,3 ana,20,1
Lightwell Build
anduin,1,3 anduin,4,1 anduin,7,1 anduin,10,1 anduin,13,2 anduin,16,1 anduin,20,1
Carapace Build
anubarak,1,1 anubarak,4,2 anubarak,7,1 anubarak,10,2 anubarak,13,1 anubarak,16,1 anubarak,20,3
Ultimate anti-mage build. Tons of spell damage reduction and on level 20 virtually unkillabale with a decent healer on your team.
Beatle Build
anubarak,1,2 anubarak,4,3 anubarak,7,3 anubarak,10,2 anubarak,13,2 anubarak,16,3 anubarak,20,4
Best against pokers like liming or cassia and minion spawning enemies like zagara or azmodan. Prevents spells from reaching your allies and gives enemy minions many more targets to focus on instead of your teammates. If you're playing agains multiple spell casters consider taking anubarak,20,3 at level 20 instead of anubarak,20,4.
Twin Blades Build
artanis,1,3 artanis,4,3 artanis,7,2 artanis,10,1 artanis,13,2 artanis,16,1 artanis,20,3
Shield Overload Build
artanis,1,3 artanis,4,2 artanis,7,1 artanis,10,1 artanis,13,4 artanis,16,2 artanis,20,4
Even though he's a tank, Arthas can't sustain much beating because he lacks the disabling abilities that prevent enemies from casting. He's a great counter for auto-attackers if he can keep them in the range of his arthas,2. That's why you should go in and out quickly, especially if you get multiple enemies on your back. If you have another tank or bruser on your team, you can try to play more offensively with a bruiser build.
Death Coil Build
arthas,1,1 arthas,4,1 arthas,7,1 arthas,10,2 arthas,13,1 arthas,16,1 arthas,20,2
Frostmourne Build
arthas,1,2 arthas,4,3 arthas,7,2 arthas,10,2 arthas,13,3 arthas,16,3 arthas,20,3
Sacred Sweep Build
auriel,1,2 auriel,4,1 auriel,7,1 auriel,10,1 auriel,13,2 auriel,16,1 auriel,20,1
Tide of Sin Build Build
azmodan,1,2 azmodan,4,3 azmodan,7,1 azmodan,10,2 azmodan,13,1 azmodan,16,1 azmodan,20,3
Cookiecutter build, great in all situations.
  • You should focus on getting your quest to 400 ASAP. Focus on that in the early to mid game. Hitting multiple heroes will give you stacks faster then killing minions.
  • You can switch azmodan,20,3 for azmodan,20,2 at level 20 if your team needs armor reduction and has good combo to keep the enemy team close together for a period of time e.g. zarya,3, ETC,3, falstad,3, etc.
(consider removing this build alltogether, it's very specific in super rare cases)
All Shall Burn Build
azmodan,1,1 azmodan,4,3 azmodan,7,3 azmodan,10,1 azmodan,13,2 azmodan,16,2 azmodan,20,4
The only time you should consider this build is in the rare cases where the enemy team has almost no stun/silance and escape abilities.
  • At level 10 you can switch azmodan,10,1 to azmodan,10,2 because it really doesn't matter. Most of your damage will come from azmodan,2.
Full Tank Build
blaze,1,2 blaze,4,1 blaze,7,3 blaze,10,1 blaze,13,3 blaze,16,3 blaze,20,1
Best tanking build for Blaze.
  • Consider taking blaze,1,4 at level 1 instead of blaze,1,2 in case there are skills you need to interrupt such as ETC,3.
  • If you're looking to tame an auto-attacker on the enemy team at level 7 switch blaze,7,3 to blaze,7,2
Bruiser Build
blaze,1,3 blaze,4,1 blaze,7,3 blaze,10,2 blaze,13,3 blaze,16,1 blaze,20,2
Your team is lacking damage? Blaze can provide it. Big stuns from level 13 onward.
Full Healing Build
brightwing,1,2 brightwing,4,3 brightwing,7,3 brightwing,10,1 brightwing,13,2 brightwing,16,3 brightwing,20,1
Most basic healing build, that's super easy to play.
  • There are very few situations where brightwing,10,2 is actually useful. Consider taking it only if the enemy team has multiple melee heroes that dive into your team and your team doesn't already have a good way of dealing with that.
  • If the enemy team has high burst magic damage such as kaelthas,3 for example, at level 13 consider switching from brightwing,13,2 to brightwing,13,3.
  • If the enemy team has a wombo combo, you can prevent most of the incoming magic damage by switching from brightwing,20,1 to brightwing,20,4.
Arcane Flare Build
brightwing,1,1 brightwing,4,1 brightwing,7,1 brightwing,10,1 brightwing,13,2 brightwing,16,1 brightwing,20,1
Because hitting an enemy hero with the center of brightwing,0 instantly triggers your brightwing,5 passive healing, this build has the potential for crazy heals and CC, but you need to be confidant that you can hit your skillshots. Not recommended for newer players.
  • There are very few situations where brightwing,10,2 is actually useful. Consider taking it only if the enemy team has multiple melee heroes that dive into your team and your team doesn't already have a good way of dealing with that.
  • If the enemy team has high burst magic damage such as kaelthas,3 for example, at level 13 consider switching from brightwing,13,2 to brightwing,13,3.
  • If the enemy team has a wombo combo, you can prevent most of the incoming magic damage by switching from brightwing,20,1 to brightwing,20,4.
Lightning Fury Build
cassia,1,1 cassia,4,1 cassia,7,1 cassia,10,1 cassia,13,1 cassia,16,2 cassia,20,1
Auto-attack Build
cassia,1,3 cassia,4,1 cassia,7,3 cassia,10,2 cassia,13,3 cassia,16,3 cassia,20,3
Auto-attack build has a very specific use case where you need to take care of tanks and bruisers but don't already have % damage DPS on your team such as zagara or tychus.
Fend Build
cassia,1,2 cassia,4,1 cassia,7,1 cassia,10,2 cassia,13,1 cassia,16,2 cassia,20,2
Fend is borderline meme build, however it could excel if the enemy team tends to stay close together and they don't have CC to stop your cast.
Tanking Build
chen,1,2 chen,4,1 chen,7,1 chen,10,1 chen,13,4 chen,16,1 chen,20,3
  • If there's nothing that can stop the cast of your chen,5 then at level 20 switch chen,20,3 for chen,20,4.
Sand Blast Build
chromie,1,1 chromie,4,3 chromie,7,1 chromie,10,2 chromie,13,1 chromie,16,2 chromie,20,3
  • At level 13, if the enemy team has a combo that can delete you in a nano second, consider siwching chromie,13,1 for chromie,13,3 to try and dodge the burst. Alternativly, if they have skills that can displace you like stitches,0 or artanis,2 then chromie,13,2 might be a better fit.
Dragon's Breath Build
chromie,1,2 chromie,4,3 chromie,7,2 chromie,10,2 chromie,13,1 chromie,16,1 chromie,20,2
  • At level 13, if the enemy team has a combo that can delete you in a nano second, consider siwching chromie,13,1 for chromie,13,3 to try and dodge the burst. Alternativly, if they have skills that can displace you like stitches,0 or artanis,2 then chromie,13,2 might be a better fit.
Defence Matrix Build
dva,1,2 dva,4,2 dva,7,3 dva,10,1 dva,13,1 dva,16,2 dva,20,4
Pew! Pew! Pew! Build
dva,1,2 dva,4,3 dva,7,3 dva,10,1 dva,13,3 dva,16,2 dva,20,3
Molten Flame Build
deathwing,1,3 deathwing,4,1 deathwing,7,3 deathwing,10,2 deathwing,13,1 deathwing,16,1 deathwing,20,2
Melee Build
deathwing,1,1 deathwing,4,2 deathwing,7,1 deathwing,10,2 deathwing,13,2 deathwing,16,2 deathwing,20,2
Full Support Build
deckard,1,3 deckard,4,3 deckard,7,2 deckard,10,1 deckard,13,1 deckard,16,2 deckard,20,3
Scroll of Sealing Build
deckard,1,1 deckard,4,3 deckard,7,1 deckard,10,1 deckard,13,1 deckard,16,1 deckard,20,3
Gem Build
deckard,1,3 deckard,4,3 deckard,7,3 deckard,10,1 deckard,13,1 deckard,16,2 deckard,20,4
Drag Build
dehaka,1,2 dehaka,4,3 dehaka,7,1 dehaka,10,1 dehaka,13,2 dehaka,16,1 dehaka,20,1
Fire Stomp Build
diablo,1,3 diablo,4,2 diablo,7,3 diablo,10,2 diablo,13,2 diablo,16,2 diablo,20,2
Auto-attack Build
diablo,1,1 diablo,4,3 diablo,7,3 diablo,10,1 diablo,13,3 diablo,16,3 diablo,20,3
Mosh Pit Build
etc,1,2 etc,4,2 etc,7,1 etc,10,1 etc,13,2 etc,16,1 etc,20,1
Hammerang Build
falstad,1,1 falstad,4,2 falstad,7,2 falstad,10,2 falstad,13,2 falstad,16,2 falstad,20,2
Overall the most solid Falstad build in ARAM. Focus on pumping your falstad,1,1 stacks as high as possible.
  • If you dont understand how, when and why to use Mighty Gust, then play Hinterland Blast. Otherwise you risk to lose potential kills, the team fight and eventually the match.
Auto-attack Build
falstad,1,3 falstad,4,3 falstad,7,1 falstad,10,1 falstad,13,3 falstad,16,1 falstad,20,3
Take auto-attack build only if the enemy team has multiple high-health heroes and you don't have a % damage on your team already.
Fenix is not a great hero in ARAM, mostly because people don't understand how to play him. After a certain point you need to start being aggresive and pick your fights correctly, trying to keep your distance from the teamfight and flank enemies, taking them one by one.
Auto-attack Build
fenix,1,1 fenix,4,1 fenix,7,2 fenix,10,1 fenix,13,1 fenix,16,1 fenix,20,3
garrosh is one of the strongest tanks in ARAM, however, because he's lacking any sort of movement abilities, his biggest weakness is CC, especially slow.
Decimate Build
garrosh,1,2 garrosh,4,3 garrosh,7,3 garrosh,10,2 garrosh,13,2 garrosh,16,3 garrosh,20,2
Pretty standard garrosh build for ARAM, great as a tank and a bruiser.
  • If the enemy team doesn't have CC or slow, you can swap garrosh,4,3 for garrosh,4,2.
  • If the enemy team has a nasty spell caster (or you don't care about tossing your teammates around like sacks of potatoes) that you can reach easily like mephisto at level 7 consider swapping garrosh,7,3 for garrosh,7,2. Synergyzing it with your garrosh,20,2 this will make sure this hero does almost no damage in team fights.
  • If the enemy team has some annoying assassins like zeratul or genji and your team doesn't have a good way of dealing with them, aaand there are no other sources of high damage that you need to mitigate, then maybe, just maybe consider taking garrosh,10,1 instead of garrosh,10,2. Then at 20 take whatever, garrosh,20,3 is fun, take that.
Ez-Thro Dynamite Build
This is the best and only Hogger build you should play in ARAM. It's insanly good and Secret Stash at level 20 is broken, allowing you to tank the enemy team for up to 20 seconds on a 60 seconds cooldown!
  • Dont use Hogg Wild to do damage, use it strategically to place yourself in advantageous position or for escape.
  • If there are mostly ranged heroes on the enemy team switch Brute Force at level 4 for Hogger's Joggers.
  • After taking Dense Blasting Powder, use Dynamite/Blow combo on cooldown to stack you level 1 quest.
  • Before level 20 you can use Hoardapult to chaise enemy heroes or escape. Don't do that after you take Secret Stash.
  • After you take Secret Stash at level 20, make sure you jump in the middle of team fights and stay in range of your Stash, if the enemies focus you, use all your skills on cooldown (try to find a good angle for Hogg Wild that will keep you in the fight close to your Stash for extra 40 armor), every time a Dynamite explodes you are being healed for 8% of your health INSTANTLY, allowing you to tank the enemy team for as long as your Stash is active while doing crazy amounts of damage.
Frag Launcher Build
Best Junkrat build in ARAM. Your endless damage potential unlocks at level 20 in teamfights where you can spam Frag Launcher until the enemy team dies, no cooldown. The only time you shouldn't be playing this build is when the enemy team has multiple dashers such as Genji, Graymane, Artanis, etc. and you don't have CC on demand on your team such as Brightwing or Uther, and your team has a lot of damage dealers already.
  • Don't bother focusing on stacking Taste For Explosions as much in the early game, you'll have plenty of chances to do that after you take Endless Nades and Cannonball! at level 16 and 20 respectively.
  • If the enemy team has no CC to trigger your Dirty Trickster then take Sticky Wicket.
  • If it's a no-healer game take Rocket Ride at level 10 instead of RIP-Tire.
Steel Trap Build
If your team already has plenty of damage, then this is a great build to control team fights, especially when the enemy teams have multiple heroes that can dash into you such as Genji, Graymane or Artanis.
  • If it's a no-healer game take Rocket Ride at level 10 instead of RIP-Tire.
  • If the enemy team has a lot of minions (Zagara, Azmodan, Xul), take Big As instead of Gotta Trap 'Em All!
LĂșcio is one of the best healers in ARAM. With huge AOE heals and utility to keep his teammates alive and even help in teamfights.
Sound Barrier Build
Your cookie cutter LĂșcio build for ARAM.
  • If the enemy team is mostly melee and you need to keep them away from your backline, take Subwoofer at level 4 instead of Supersonic.
  • Drop Boombox around your teammates and in teamfights for 5% reduced damage taken.
  • If your teammates are glass cannons, you don't have a tank and the enemy team has frontline which you can easily auto-attack, then switch RejuvenescĂȘncia for Up the Frequency.
  • Always take Bossa Nova at level 20, the 30 seconds cooldown reduction is insane.
High Five Build
This is a great build when playing against enemies with multiple CCs and multiple healers. This build requires more aggresive approach so make sure you're up to the task.
Ultimate Healer Build
Play this build in the rare situations where you have 3 or more tanks/bruisers/melee assassins on your team (where you all play stacked together) for insane heals at level 20.
Do not play Samuro in ARAM unless you are a Samuro god or you want to get flak from your teammates. In both of those cases you don't need a build guide.
Much like valeera and illidan, tracer in ARAM is simply a bad pick, avoid at all costs. She's easily countered and there just isn't enough room to harass heroes individually, which is her main strenght. You might get away playing her in a no-healer game, but either way there will be no build guide for her at this point.
tychus is the best anti-tank hero in ARAM. He can do massive damage to high-health targets, or anything infront of him for tha matter if you can position yourself correctly. Much like valla or raynor you need to play aggresively, yet know how to not over agress in order to stay alive. It's a fine balance that's not for everybody.
Minigun Build
tychus,1,3 tychus,4,3 tychus,7,2 tychus,10,1 tychus,13,2 tychus,16,3 tychus,20,4
The "bye-bye tanks" build, deleting the enemy frontline in seconds.
  • If the enemy team lets you auto-attack a lot, consider tychus,4,1 at level 4 instead of tychus,4,3 for that neverending tychus,5.
  • If the enemy team is constantly harrasing you with CC take tychus,7,3 at level 7 instead of tychus,7,2.
  • If you take tychus,4,1 at level 4, then you can't rely on tychus,13,2 to heal you in combat. In this case or if the enemy team has high magic burst then take tychus,13,3. Make sure to disable its auto-casting and to use it when necessary.
Overkill Build
tychus,1,1 tychus,4,3 tychus,7,1 tychus,10,1 tychus,13,1 tychus,16,1 tychus,20,3
This is a great build if you're not able to get close enough to the enemy to do tychus,5 damage consistantly or if the enemy team has no tanks.
  • Realistically you can take anything you want at levels 1, 4 and 7 since it will not make huge difference once you start spamming tychus,0.
  • All three tychus,0 talents are mandatory! If you don't take one you might as well not take any at all.
uther is the worst healer in ARAM, period. Mostly because of how unreliable it is to land melee attacks in ARAM, therefore being unable to unflod his full healing potential. Avoid picking him as a solo healer if possible. Saying that, he can be an amazing secondary healer with huge utility.
Holy Radiance Build
uther,1 provides AOE healing, armor and damage on fairly short cooldown, that's great for ARAM.
  • Level 4, 7 and 13 talents can be swapped for any of the others depending on the situation.
  • If you take uther,10,2 at level 10, it is mandatory to take uther,20,2 at level 20. Same with uther,10,1 and uther,20,1 if for some unknown (thebutcher) reason you decide to go that rĐŸute.
Do not play Valeera in ARAM unless you are a Valeera god or you want to get flak from your teammates. In both of those cases you don't need a build guide.
valla is one of the strongest heroes in ARAM, right up there with nazeebo and mephisto with diversity of builds that most heroes lack.
Multishot Build
valla,1,2 valla,4,1 valla,7,2 valla,10,2 valla,13,1 valla,16,1 valla,20,4
Even though valla,1 does not provide the most damage valla can do, it's the easiest build to play and can still do nasty stuff.
  • From the start of the match you want to get as many valla,1,2 stacks as possible. This will become easier at level 4 after you take valla,4,1
  • The choise of Heroic talent is unimporant, however if you need to interrupt skills such as ETC's ETC,10,1 or your team lacks CC, taking valla,10,2 would be prefered.
  • If there are multiple high health heroes on the enemy team take valla,16,3 at level 16 instead of valla,16,2 or better yet play Auto-attack Build.
Hungering Arrow Build
valla,1,1 valla,4,3 valla,7,2 valla,10,2 valla,13,1 valla,16,2 valla,20,3
Hungering Arrow is a great build to single out an enemy target and take them down in a couple of seconds. The reason this build is ranked is because how much it relys on hitting your skill shots.
  • From the get go, you need to focus on making as many valla,1,1 stacks as possible, using valla,0 and valla,2 on cooldown.
  • The choise of Heroic talent is unimporant, however if you need to interrupt skills such as ETC's ETC,10,1 or your team lacks CC, taking valla,10,2 would be prefered.
  • If there are multiple high health heroes on the enemy team take valla,16,3 at level 16 instead of valla,16,2 or better yet play Auto-attack Build.
Auto-attack Build
valla,1,3 valla,4,2 valla,7,3 valla,10,2 valla,13,2 valla,16,3 valla,20,4
This build is the most damage you can do with Valla. If you have good frontline, healing and play aggresively you can absolutely shread any comp you face.
  • One of the more imporant things right from the get go will be to keep your Gambit stacks from valla,1,3. HOWEVER, it's not the end of the world if you don't. Especially if you have heroes like ltmorales with ltmorales,10,1 or rehgar with rehgar,10,2 on your team.
  • Do not take valla,10,1 as Heroic since it does very little for this build and prevents you from doing auto-attacks which are your main source of damage.
  • The full potential of this build unfolds at level 20 when you take valla,20,4 increasing your auto-attack range to disgusting levels, on top of that you can catch up with any hero using valla,2 and the movement speed from valla,7,3.
Taunt Build
Your standard tank Varian build.
  • At level 13 if there are enemies with a lot of shields such as Fenix, Zarya or Artanis take Shattering Throw instead of Mortal Strike.
  • At level 16 consider different banners depending on your team composition.
Smash A Build
Smash A build provides more utility and self-sustain with Lion's Fang.
  • At level 13 if there are enemies with a lot of shields such as Fenix, Zarya or Artanis take Shattering Throw instead of Mortal Strike.
  • At level 16 consider different banners depending on your team composition.
Smash B Build
Smash B build provides more damage with High King's Quest and self-sustain with Victory Rush.
  • At level 13 if there are enemies with a lot of shields such as Fenix, Zarya or Artanis take Shattering Throw instead of Mortal Strike.
  • At level 16 consider different banners depending on your team composition.
Zagara is an absolute powerhouse of a hero in ARAM and one of the most boring to play. She has one build in ARAM, anything else you do is meme teritory.
Infested Drop Build
zagara,1,2 zagara,4,2 zagara,7,3 zagara,10,2 zagara,13,1 zagara,16,1 zagara,20,4
zagara,2 is the best Zagara build in ARAM and the one that makes her an tier. She slices tanks and bruisers like hot knife through butter.
  • The main source of your damage are going to be your minions, don't put yourself in disadvantageous positions just to auto-attack and risk getting killed. That's why I don't recommend taking zagara,4,3 because it forces you to be aggressive and Zagara's relatively low HP and no escape abilities means she folds like a newspaper.
  • zagara,10,2 gives you health and mana regen (if you play Zagara right you'll be OOMing quite frequently) on demand which is great, but most importantly it passively reduces your basic ability cooldowns when you auto-attack while standing on zagara,5!
  • After you get zagara,16,1 at level 16, spam zagara,2 on cooldown, do not wait for oppertunity, cast it non-stop. When Roachlings drop if there's an enemy hero in their auto-attack range they will prioratize hitting them.
  • If the match looks stuck and neither team can push cores, at level 20 consider switching zagara,20,4 for zagara,20,2 so you can backdoor if an opportunity arises.
  • Your worst enemies will be the ones that spawn extra minions, creating extra targets for your own, or the ones that can AOE your Roachlings quickly, e.g. azmodan, zagara, xul, etc.
If not properly countered, zuljin is one of the strongest assassins in ARAM, brining huge amounts of damage to the enemy frontline as well as the backline.
Twin Cleave Build
zuljin,1,2 zuljin,4,1 zuljin,7,2 zuljin,10,1 zuljin,13,1 zuljin,16,2 zuljin,20,3
  • Your main goal from the get go should be getting your 150 stacks of "You Want Axe?", even if you die a couple of times in the process. Keep your health around the 50% mark in order to get 2 stacks per auto-attack, thanks to zuljin,1,2. Avoid using zuljin,6 unless there's a CCed enemy hero and you're not in danger of getting hit by anything.
  • If the enemy team has multiple roots from heroes like malfurion or kelthuzad, consider getting zuljin,4,2 instead of zuljin,4,1. If you do that, then also take zuljin,20,1 at level 20 instead of zuljin,20,3.
  • If your team is lacking CC, consider taking zuljin,13,3 at level 13 instead of zuljin,13,1.
Anti-tank Build
zuljin,1,1 zuljin,4,1 zuljin,7,1 zuljin,10,1 zuljin,13,2 zuljin,16,1 zuljin,20,1
This is a very situational build, but one that could make all the difference. Only take this build if the enemy team has many high-health heroes (e.g. 2 tanks and a bruiser) and your team doesn't have % damage already (e.g. tychus's tychus,5 or zagara's zagara,16,1).